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Routine maintenance of explosion-proof control cabinet
 Dec 31, 2022|View:213

The aging of explosion-proof control cabinets will indeed bring a lot of trouble to the enterprise, so how can we tell whether the explosion-proof control cabinets are aging? According to our long-term production, operation and use experience, the technicians of Lampsuite explosion-proof manufacturers have summarized the following methods to identify whether the explosion-proof control cabinet is aging. We hope that everyone can learn from them.


Whether the explosion-proof control cabinet is aging can be checked from the following points:

1. Check and record the date of manufacture of the explosion-proof control cabinet, and judge according to the service life of the explosion-proof control cabinet. This is a simple method to judge whether it is aging. However, because the individual explosion-proof control cabinets are different and the use environment is also different, it is not an accurate method to judge whether it is aging according to the date of manufacture.

2. Regularly check the insulation capacity of the explosion-proof control cabinet. If the insulation capacity is found to be getting worse during the inspection process, it can indicate that the explosion-proof control cabinet has signs of aging.

3. Observe the surface of the explosion-proof control cabinet. Because the explosion-proof control cabinet is often used, the protective layer on the surface will be damaged. If the damage is serious, then this is also a manifestation of the aging phenomenon of the explosion-proof control cabinet.

4. Pay attention to the smell of the explosion-proof control cabinet during use. During the use of the explosion-proof control cabinet, there should not be some unnecessary odors. Once there is unnecessary odor, it can also indicate that the explosion-proof control cabinet has an aging trend.